May 23, 2010

In a few days we are heading off on a roadtrip vacation to tour the pacific northwest, including Seattle and Portland. I'm so excited to get some r 'n r time with my hubby, as we haven't really had a good vacation together for awhile now. We will be staying in hotels in the cities, and then also camping as we explore the beautiful coastline. So it puts a bit of a cramp on the old suitcase, as camping clothes tend to lean toward fleece jackets and jeans, while city time means you can dress up a bit more. So I'm going to spend some of my long weekend picking up some odds and ends that we need for camping, and maybe a few things to round out my wardrobe. And here's where good old J Crew has provided some much needed inspiration:

Printed tops can be dressed down when worn with a casual pair of denim cutoffs.

Throw on a blazer to dress up simple shorts and t-shirt.

A pair of versatile cropped pants can be worn on the beach or out to dinner.

These three looks above show how to mix and match pieces to create different looks. Start with a chambray shirt and clean black shorts. Add a zip up hoodie when exploring the beach. Then change out the shorts for a nice skirt when you head to town for dinner.


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